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I cannot access to my ameli account

I got my security number last year when I came to France by uploading files on the, and I also got my insurance certificate. However I cannot log in to the Ameli account as I don't know my password, and when I clicked on "Forgot my password," they said it is impossible to renew my password. I don't have my carte Vitale either. I moved from Epinay sur Seine to Frenes this September and I wish to have my new insurance certificate. How can I obtain it?


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  • 0 réponse publiée
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Hello qwertyuiop,

As we do not gave access to your file, I advise you to contact a counselor to check if your rights to health insurance are well opened and if your social security number has been certified.

If so, the counselor will be able to advise you about ameli account and password.

Have a nice day.