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CPAM have registered the wrong nom d'usage, how do I get it changed?

Hello, I received my social security number and a form to apply for my carte vitale one month ago. The nom d'usage that they have registered for me is my husband's surname, which I have never used. I don't know why they have done this, because every document I sent with my application was in my birth name. I have no ID with his family name on it, so I cannot apply for my carte vitale. I wrote to CPAM Cotes d'Armor on 23/10/24 asking them to change my nom d'usage to my birth name. I have heard nothing since then, so what else can I do?


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Hello Fiona,

The processing time depends on the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

As we do not gave access to your file, I advise you to contact a counselor about the situation you encounter with your name.

Have a nice day.