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PUMA S1106 form?

I applied for social security / health insurance on , and I got a notification saying that my appplication is abandoned ? And to go forward with I need to submit the S1106 form to my CPAM? What does this mean exactly? Do I have to submit this form online? Or go in person to the CPAM office? Will I get a temporary social security number after submitting this form?


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Hello VA,

I invite you to process as explained by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) through your personnal space on line on the website étudiant etranger ameli after rejection of your demand. 

We do not have access to your file on this forum fulfill with securtity policy of your personal information.

Therfore, if you need more information, I invite you to contact your CPAM  to reach a counselor.

Have a nice day.