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Birth Certificate Rejected

Hello, I was just notified that my birth certificate cannot be accepted. It is an official document that was translated by a translator from Alliance Francaise certified by the French Embassy. In addition, the French embassy has stamped the translated copy of my birth certificate. Initially I got a message saying it needed to be certified by the French Embassy or Consulate but when I sent back the exact same copy now they are saying it needs to be translated by a person sworn in by French Court of Appeals. Can you explain why that is? Many of my other student friends with similar situation (translated by Alliance Francaise and apostilled) birth certificate has been accepted so why is mine rejected?


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Hello Gaurav,

I am sorry about the difficulties you have encountered.

However, we do not have acess to your profile on this forum. I invite you then to reach a counselor to discuss your situation regarding birth certificate and contact backoffice if necessary. 

Have a nice day.