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How to register for social security upon arrival in France?

Dear sir/madam,

I am an EU citizen and have arrived in France at the end of August. I came to accompany my husband, who started a job in France in September. Now I have also found a job in France, and my future employer is asking for a social security number. I have a few questions about how to do this:

1. Can I already apply for a social security number via my local CPAM given that I have been living here for less than 3 months and do not have a job yet (although I will have a job in a few weeks)? Does the fact that I have moved to accompany my husband matter?

2. Provided I can apply for the social security number via my local CPAM, what documents do I need? And how to send them to the local CPAM (do I go there in person, can I send them by post, or online)? If in person, do I need an appointment?

I am aware that there is a CPAM phone line in English that I can call, but that line seems to be temporarily closed.
Thanks for your help!


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Hello ana,

I suggest you to read this response from the forum which deals with affiliation of European Community citizen.

In your situation, following your husband does not allow you to register more quickly.

I therefore recommend that you use your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) while waiting to sign your work contract.

I wish you a nice day.