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I have a temporary social security number. How to I get reimbursed for Covid tests and doctor appointments?

I have had my temporary number for four months. Because I do not have a carte vitale, I cannot create an ameli account. Thus, I cannot find any FULL and COMPREHENSIVE inttructions on how to get reimbursed for my covid tests and doctor appointments that I make in-person and online on DoctoLib. The call lines have not been very helpful. Do I drop something off at the CPAM office? I tried to go there and it was not helpful. Thank you!

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Passionnée de séries TV. Piquée d'un soupçon de fantaisie. Et quelque peu gourmande.

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Hello kenzie78,

I invite you to complete and sign the "feuilles de soins" given by health professionnals, and the prescriptions if you have them.

Afterwards, send them to your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) which address can be found on the website, in this section "Adresses et contacts".

For information regarding the covid tests, you can have a look at the ameli pages: "Les tests de dépistage de la Covid-19".

Have a nice day

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